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Marine Life

The ocean is an amazing place with hundreds of different types of animal species. Take a look at some of the popular marine life.


Manatee are aquatic mammals.

Manatee Dolphin Classification:

Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Sirenia
Family: Trichechidae
Genus: Trichechus

Other Names: Sea Cow, Dugong

Sub-species of Manatee

Amazonian Manatee: Trichechus inunguis
West Indian Manatee: Trichechus manatus
African Manatee:
Trichechus senegalensis
*Dwarf Manatee: Trichechus "pygmaeus"

There is not agreement on the Dwarf Manatee being a separate species.

Size: The mantee weighs from 440 to 1,300 lbs, and are 8 to 13 feet in length.

Habitat: There are 3 species of manatee. The different species are distinguished by their location. One manatee population ranges along the North American east coast from Florida to Brazil. Other species inhabit the Amazon River and the west coast and rivers of Africa. The waters manatees inhabit are usually shallow, slow-moving rivers, estuaries, saltwater bays, and canals. The area manatees are found are usually lush with seagrass beds or flourishing freshwater vegetation.

Manatee in Other Languages:

Lope Deti
Dutch: Zeekoe
Finnish: Manaatti
French: Lamantin
German: Manati
Latin: Manatus
Polish: Manat
Portuguese: Peixe-boi / Manati
Romanian: Lamantin
Spanish: Manati
Swedish: Sjoko

Diet: Manatees are mostly herbivorous marine mammals. Manatees feed on marine and freshwater plants. Manatees will consume up to 100 lbs of vegetation in a single day or up to 10-15% of their body weight in vegetation daily.

Senses: Manatees have well-developed eyes. In the water, they can detect objects from tens of meters away. Manatees are very tactile, and seem to have a well developed sense of touch.

Description: Manatees are large, bulky, gray aquatic mammals with tapered bodies and a flat, paddle-shaped tail.

Communication: Manatees are vocal. They issue chirps, whistles, and squeaks..

Did You Know?

Manatees eat over 60 different species of aquatic and semi-aquatic plants.

Manatees are a migratory species. They are nonaggressive, and nonterritorial creatures.

Gestation: Manatees carry their young for about a year.

Birth: Manatee calves are 60 and 70 lbs at birth and they measure approximately 3-4 feet. Manatee mothers must help their calves to the surface so that they can take their first breath, but the newborn manatees can typically swim on their own, only an hour after birth.

Calves: Manatee mothers nurse their young for 1-2 years.

Sexual Maturity: Manatees sexually mature around the age of 5.

Life Span: Manatees live an average of 50-60 years in the wild. The largest threat to manatees are powerboats. Manatees are slow, near-surface swimmers, and the number of collisions with motorboats is a danger to their survival.

Did You Know?

The closest living relatives to the manatee include the elephant and the hyrax.

Social Structure: Manatees are best described as semi-social. Manatees are usually seen alone, in pairs, or in small groups six or less.

Athleticism: Manatees tend to be slow moving creatures, but they have been known to swim at bursts of up to 19 mph. The typical speed of a manatee is closer to 3-5 mph.


Status: Endangered / Vulnerable

Population Estimates:

Diving Manatee

Manatee Eating

Swimming Manatee

Manatee Picture

Manatee Photo

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